Package-level declarations


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class BytesConverterFactory : Converter.Factory
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data class CancelJobPurgeOutRequest(var jobid: String? = null, var jobname: String? = null, var originalJobid: String? = null, var owner: String? = null, var member: String? = null, var sysname: String? = null, var jobCorrelator: String? = null, var status: String? = null)
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data class CancelJobRequest(var jobid: String? = null, var jobname: String? = null, var originalJobid: String? = null, var owner: String? = null, var member: String? = null, var sysname: String? = null, var jobCorrelator: String? = null, var status: String? = null)
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data class CancelJobRequestBody(var requestType: RequestTypes = RequestTypes.CANCEL, var requestVersion: RequestVersion = RequestVersion.SYNCHRONOUS)
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data class ChangeMode(request: String = "chmod", var mode: FileMode, var links: Links? = null, var recursive: Boolean? = null)
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data class ChangeOwner(request: String = "chown", var owner: String, var group: String?, var links: Links? = null, var recursive: Boolean? = null)
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data class ChangeTag(request: String = "chtag", var action: TagAction, var type: UssFileDataType? = null, var links: Links? = null, var codeSet: String? = null, var recursive: Boolean? = null)
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interface ConsoleAPI
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data class CreateDataset(var volumeSerial: String? = null, var deviceType: String? = null, var datasetOrganization: DatasetOrganization, var allocationUnit: AllocationUnit? = null, var primaryAllocation: Int, var secondaryAllocation: Int, var directoryBlocks: Int? = null, var recordFormat: RecordFormat, var blockSize: Int? = null, var recordLength: Int? = null, var storageClass: String? = null, var managementClass: String? = null, var dataClass: String? = null, var averageBlockLength: Int? = null, var dsnType: DsnameType? = null, var datasetModel: String? = null)
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data class CreateUssFile(var type: FileType, var mode: FileMode)
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interface DataAPI
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data class Dataset(val name: String = "", blksz: String? = null, val catalogName: String? = null, val creationDate: String? = null, val deviceType: String? = null, val dsnameType: DsnameType? = null, val datasetOrganization: DatasetOrganization? = null, val expirationDate: String? = null, extx: String? = null, lrecl: String? = null, val migrated: HasMigrated? = null, val multiVolume: MultipleVolumes? = null, val spaceOverflowIndicator: String? = null, val lastReferenceDate: String? = null, val recordFormat: RecordFormat? = null, val sizeInTracks: Int? = null, val spaceUnits: SpaceUnits? = null, used: String? = null, val volumeSerial: String? = null, val volumeSerials: String? = null)
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data class DataSetsList(val items: List<Dataset> = emptyList(), val returnedRows: Int = 0, val totalRows: Int? = null, val moreRows: Boolean? = null, val jsonVersion: Int = 0)
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class FileMode(var owner: Int, var group: Int = 0, var all: Int = 0, var prefix: String = "")
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class FileModeToStringAdapter : TypeAdapter<FileMode>
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data class FilePath(path: String)
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data class FileTagList(var stdout: List<String>)
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interface HasBooleanValue
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data class HDelete(request: String = "hdelete", var wait: Boolean? = null, var purge: Boolean? = null)
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data class HMigrate(request: String = "hmigrate", var wait: Boolean? = null)
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data class HoldJobRequest(var jobid: String? = null, var jobname: String? = null, var originalJobid: String? = null, var owner: String? = null, var member: String? = null, var sysname: String? = null, var jobCorrelator: String? = null, var status: Int? = null)
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data class HoldJobRequestBody(var requestType: RequestTypes = RequestTypes.HOLD, var requestVersion: RequestVersion = RequestVersion.SYNCHRONOUS)
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data class HRecall(request: String = "hrecall", var wait: Boolean? = null)
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interface InfoAPI
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data class InfoResponse(val zosVersion: String = "null", val zosmfPort: String = "null", val zosmfVersion: String = "null", val zosmfHostname: String = "null", val plugins: List<Plugin> = emptyList(), val zosmfSafRealm: String = "null", val zosmfFullVersion: String = "null", val apiVersion: String = "null")
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class IssueRequestBody(val cmd: String, val solKey: String? = null, val system: String? = null, val async: String? = null)

The z/OSMF console API parameters. See the z/OSMF REST API documentation for full details.

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data class IssueResponse(val cmdResponseUrl: String? = null, val cmdResponse: String? = null, val cmdResponseUri: String? = null, val cmdResponseKey: String? = null, val solKeyDetected: String? = null)

z/OSMF synchronous console command response messages. See the z/OSMF REST API publication for complete details.

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interface JESApi
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data class Job(val jobId: String, val jobName: String, val subSystem: String? = null, val owner: String, val status: Job.Status? = null, val type: Job.JobType, val jobClass: String? = null, val returnedCode: String? = null, val url: String, val filesUrl: String, val jobCorrelator: String? = null, val phase: Int, val phaseName: String, val steps: List<StepData> = emptyList(), val reasonNotRunning: String? = null, val execSystem: String? = null, val execMember: String? = null, val execSubmitted: String? = null, val execStarted: String? = null, val execEnded: String? = null)
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enum Links : Enum<Links>
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data class Member(val name: String = "", val versionNumber: Int? = null, val modificationLevel: Int? = null, val creationDate: String? = null, val modificationDate: String? = null, val currentNumberOfRecords: Int? = null, val beginningNumberOfRecords: Int? = null, val numberOfChangedRecords: Int? = null, val lastChangeTime: String? = null, val secondsOfLastChangeTime: String? = null, val user: String? = null, val sclm: String? = null, val authorizationCode: String? = null, val aliasOf: String? = null, val amode: String? = null, val loadModuleAttributes: String? = null, val rmode: String? = null, val size: String? = null, val ttr: String? = null, val ssi: String? = null)
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data class MembersList(val items: List<Member> = emptyList(), val returnedRows: Int = 0, val totalRows: Int? = null, val moreRows: Boolean? = null, val jsonVersion: Int = 0)
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data class MessageData(var messageText: String? = null, var messageId: String? = null)
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data class MessageType(var version: String, var data: String? = null, var hidden: String? = null, var action: String? = null)
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data class MoveUssFile(var request: String = "move", var from: String, var overwrite: Boolean? = null)
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data class Plugin(val version: String? = null, val defaultName: String? = null, val status: String? = null)
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class PluginsAdapter : TypeAdapter<List<Plugin>>
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data class ReleaseJobRequest(var jobid: String? = null, var jobname: String? = null, var originalJobid: String? = null, var owner: String? = null, var member: String? = null, var sysname: String? = null, var jobCorrelator: String? = null, var status: Int? = null)
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data class ReleaseJobRequestBody(var requestType: RequestTypes = RequestTypes.RELEASE, var requestVersion: RequestVersion = RequestVersion.SYNCHRONOUS)
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data class RenameData(var request: String = "rename", var fromDataset: RenameData.FromDataset, var enq: RenameData.Enq? = null)
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data class SpoolFile(val jobname: String, val recfm: String, val byteCount: Int, val recordCount: Int, val jobCorrelator: String? = null, val fileClass: String, val jobId: String, val id: Int, val ddName: String, val recordsUrl: String, val recordLength: Int, val subsystem: String? = null, val stepName: String? = null, val procStep: String? = null)
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data class StepData(val smfId: String? = null, val completion: String? = null, val stepNumber: Int, val programName: String, val endTime: String? = null, val isActive: Boolean, val stepName: String, val procedureStepName: String, val startedTime: String? = null, val owner: String? = null, val ussPathName: String? = null)
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data class SubmitFileNameBody(var file: String)
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data class SubmitJobRequest(var jobid: String? = null, var jobname: String? = null, var subsystem: String? = null, var owner: String? = null, var status: SubmitJobRequest.Status? = null, var type: String? = null, var class_: String? = null, var retcode: String? = null, var url: String? = null, var filesUrl: String? = null)
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interface SystemsApi
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data class SystemsResponse(val items: List<SystemZOSInfo> = emptyList(), val numRows: Int)

A data class which represents a systems response from z/OSMF instance

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data class SystemZOSInfo(val systemNickName: String = "null", val systemName: String = "null", val sysplexName: String = "null", val groupNames: String = "null", val url: String = "null", val zosVR: String = "null", val jesMemberName: String = "null", val jesType: String = "null", val cpcName: String = "null", val cpcSerial: String = "null", val httpProxyName: String = "null", val ftpDestinationName: String = "null")

A data class which represents a single SystemZOSInfo instance defined to z/OSMF

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class ToStringAdapter : TypeAdapter<Any>

For this project only

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interface TsoApi
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data class TsoData(var tsoMessage: MessageType? = null, var tsoPrompt: MessageType? = null, var tsoResponse: MessageType? = null)
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data class TsoResponse(var servletKey: String? = null, var ver: Int? = null, var queueId: String? = null, var remoteSys: String? = null, var tsoData: List<TsoData> = emptyList(), var appData: String? = null, var timeout: Boolean? = null, var reused: Boolean? = null, var msgData: List<MessageData> = emptyList(), var messages: String? = null)
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data class UssFile(val name: String = "", val mode: String? = null, val size: Long? = null, val uid: Long? = null, val user: String? = null, val gid: Long? = null, val groupId: String? = null, val modificationTime: String? = null, val target: String? = null)
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data class UssFilesList(val items: List<UssFile> = emptyList(), val returnedRows: Int = 0, val totalRows: Int? = null, val moreRows: Boolean? = null, val jsonVersion: Int = 0)
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data class XIBMAttr(type: XIBMAttr.Type = Type.BASE, isTotal: Boolean = false)
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data class XIBMDataType(val type: XIBMDataType.Type, val encoding: CodePage? = null)
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data class XIBMRecordRange(format: XIBMRecordRange.Format, sss: Int, nnn: Int)


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inline fun <API> buildApi(baseUrl: String, httpClient: OkHttpClient): API
fun <API> buildApi(baseUrl: String, httpClient: OkHttpClient, apiClass: Class<out API>): API
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inline fun <Api> buildApiWithBytesConverter(baseUrl: String, httpClient: OkHttpClient): Api
fun <API> buildApiWithBytesConverter(baseUrl: String, httpClient: OkHttpClient, apiClass: Class<out API>): API
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fun digitToString(digit: Int): String
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fun stringToDigit(modeString: CharSequence): Int
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val gson: Gson