interface DataAPI


Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun changeFileMode(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: ChangeMode, @Path(value = "filepath-name") filePath: FilePath): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun changeFileOwner(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: ChangeOwner, @Path(value = "filepath-name") filePath: FilePath): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun changeFileTag(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: ChangeTag, @Path(value = "filepath-name") filePath: FilePath): Call<ResponseBody>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun copyDatasetOrMemberToUss(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: CopyDataUSS.CopyFromDataset, @Path(value = "filepath-name") filePath: FilePath): Call<Void>


Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}")
abstract fun copyToDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromDataset, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String): Call<Void>

Copy from - to

@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({to-volser})/{to-data-set-name}")
abstract fun copyToDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromDataset, @Path(value = "to-volser") toVolser: String, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String): Call<Void>

Volser for uncatalogued datasets

Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}")
abstract fun copyToDatasetFromUss(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromFile, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String): Call<Void>

USS FILE ->SEQ (truncates contents)

Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun copyToDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromDataset, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>


Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun copyToDatasetMemberFromUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromFile, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>


@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({to-volser})/{to-data-set-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun copyToDatasetMemberFromUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: CopyDataZOS.CopyFromDataset, @Path(value = "to-volser") toVolser: String, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>

Volser for uncatalogued

Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun copyUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: CopyDataUSS.CopyFromFileOrDir, @Path(value = "filepath-name", encoded = true) filePath: FilePath): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@POST(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun createDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Body body: CreateDataset): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@POST(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun createUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Override-Umask") xIBMOverrideUmask: Boolean = true, @Path(value = "filepath-name", encoded = true) filePath: FilePath, @Body body: CreateUssFile): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun deleteDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volume})/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun deleteDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "volume") volume: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun deleteDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>
@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volume})/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun deleteDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "volume") volume: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun deleteMigratedDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Body body: HDelete = HDelete(), @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun deleteUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Path(value = "filepath-name", encoded = true) filePath: FilePath, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Option") xIBMOption: XIBMOption? = null): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}/member")
abstract fun listDatasetMembers(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Attributes") xIBMAttr: XIBMAttr = XIBMAttr(), @Header(value = "X-IBM-Max-Items") xIBMMaxItems: Int = 0, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Query(value = "start") start: String? = null, @Query(value = "pattern") pattern: String? = null): Call<MembersList>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "zosmf/restfiles/ds")
abstract fun listDataSets(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Attributes") xIBMAttr: XIBMAttr = XIBMAttr(), @Header(value = "X-IBM-Max-Items") xIBMMaxItems: Int = 0, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Response-Timeout") xIBMResponseTimeout: String? = null, @Query(value = "dslevel") dsLevel: String, @Query(value = "volser") volser: String? = null, @Query(value = "start") start: String? = null): Call<DataSetsList>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "zosmf/restfiles/fs")
abstract fun listUssPath(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Max-Items") xIBMMaxItems: Int = 0, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Lstat") xIBMLstat: Boolean = false, @Query(value = "path") path: String, @Query(value = "depth") depth: Int = 1, @Query(value = "filesys") fileSystem: String? = null, @Query(value = "symlinks") followSymlinks: SymlinkMode? = null, @Query(value = "group") group: String? = null, @Query(value = "mtime") mtime: String? = null, @Query(value = "name") name: String? = null, @Query(value = "size") size: String? = null, @Query(value = "perm") perm: String? = null, @Query(value = "type") type: String? = null, @Query(value = "user") user: String? = null): Call<UssFilesList>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun migrateDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Body body: HMigrate = HMigrate(), @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun moveUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-BPXK-AUTOCVT") xIBMBpxkAutoCvt: XIBMBpxkAutoCvt? = null, @Body body: MoveUssFile, @Path(value = "filepath-name") filePath: FilePath): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun recallMigratedDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Body body: HRecall = HRecall(), @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}")
abstract fun renameDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: RenameData, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{to-data-set-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun renameDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Body body: RenameData, @Path(value = "to-data-set-name") toDatasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun retrieveDatasetContent(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-None-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Return-Etag") xIBMReturnEtag: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Record-Range") xIBMRecordRange: XIBMRecordRange? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Query(value = "search") search: String? = null, @Query(value = "research") research: String? = null, @Query(value = "insensitive") insensitive: Boolean? = null, @Query(value = "maxreturnsize") maxReturnSize: Int? = null): Call<ResponseBody>
@GET(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volser})/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun retrieveDatasetContent(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-None-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Return-Etag") xIBMReturnEtag: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Record-Range") xIBMRecordRange: XIBMRecordRange? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Path(value = "volser") volser: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Query(value = "search") search: String? = null, @Query(value = "research") research: String? = null, @Query(value = "insensitive") insensitive: Boolean? = null, @Query(value = "maxreturnsize") maxReturnSize: Int? = null): Call<ResponseBody>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun retrieveMemberContent(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-None-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Return-Etag") xIBMReturnEtag: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Record-Range") xIBMRecordRange: XIBMRecordRange? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String, @Query(value = "search") search: String? = null, @Query(value = "research") research: String? = null, @Query(value = "insensitive") insensitive: Boolean? = null, @Query(value = "maxreturnsize") maxReturnSize: Int? = null): Call<String>
@GET(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volser})/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun retrieveMemberContent(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-None-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Return-Etag") xIBMReturnEtag: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Record-Range") xIBMRecordRange: XIBMRecordRange? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Path(value = "volser") volser: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String, @Query(value = "search") search: String? = null, @Query(value = "research") research: String? = null, @Query(value = "insensitive") insensitive: Boolean? = null, @Query(value = "maxreturnsize") maxReturnSize: Int? = null): Call<String>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun retrieveUssFileContent(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-None-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "Range") range: Int? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Record-Range") xIBMRecordRange: XIBMRecordRange? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "Accept-Encoding") acceptEncoding: String? = null, @Path(value = "filepath-name", encoded = true) filePath: FilePath, @Query(value = "search") search: String? = null, @Query(value = "research") research: String? = null, @Query(value = "insensitive") insensitive: Boolean? = null, @Query(value = "maxreturnsize") maxReturnSize: Int? = null): Call<ResponseBody>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun writeToDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-Match") ifMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Header(value = "Content-Type") contentType: String? = "application/octet-stream", @Body content: ByteArray, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volser})/{dataset-name}")
abstract fun writeToDataset(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-Match") ifMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Header(value = "Content-Type") contentType: String? = "application/octet-stream", @Body content: ByteArray, @Path(value = "volser") volser: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun writeToDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-Match") ifMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Header(value = "Content-Type") contentType: String? = "application/octet-stream", @Body content: ByteArray, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/ds/-({volser})/{dataset-name}({member-name})")
abstract fun writeToDatasetMember(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-Match") ifMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Migrated-Recall") xIBMMigratedRecall: MigratedRecall? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Obtain-ENQ") xIBMObtainENQ: XIBMObtainENQ? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Release-ENQ") xIBMReleaseENQ: Boolean? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Session-Ref") xIBMSessionRef: String? = null, @Header(value = "Content-Type") contentType: String? = "application/octet-stream", @Body content: ByteArray, @Path(value = "volser") volser: String, @Path(value = "dataset-name") datasetName: String, @Path(value = "member-name") memberName: String): Call<Void>
Link copied to clipboard
@PUT(value = "/zosmf/restfiles/fs/{filepath-name}")
abstract fun writeToUssFile(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "If-Match") ifNoneMatch: String? = null, @Header(value = "X-IBM-Data-Type") xIBMDataType: XIBMDataType? = null, @Header(value = "Accept-Encoding") acceptEncoding: String? = null, @Header(value = "Content-Type") contentType: String? = "text/plain", @Path(value = "filepath-name", encoded = true) filePath: FilePath, @Body body: ByteArray): Call<Void>