
class ZoweConfig(schema: String, val profiles: Map<String, ZoweConfigProfile>, val defaults: Map<String, String>)

Represents an object model of zowe.config.json file.


Valiantsin Krus




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fun ZoweConfig(schema: String, profiles: Map<String, ZoweConfigProfile>, defaults: Map<String, String>)


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object Companion
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inner class PropertyBuilder(val propName: String)

Builder class for setting the sequence of profiles to search property by name.


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fun extractSecureProperties(filePathTokens: Array<String>, keytar: KeytarWrapper = DefaultKeytarWrapper())
fun extractSecureProperties(filePath: String, keytar: KeytarWrapper = DefaultKeytarWrapper())

Extracts secure properties from secure store by zowe config file path in current instance.

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fun profile(searchPath: String?): ZoweConfigProfile?

Searches profile by its path. For example if profile has path "gr1.example" then it will search profile "example" in "gr1" group.

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fun saveSecureProperties(filePathTokens: Array<String>, keytar: KeytarWrapper = DefaultKeytarWrapper())
fun saveSecureProperties(filePath: String, keytar: KeytarWrapper = DefaultKeytarWrapper())

Updates secure object for provided file in credential object and save these changes to credential storage.

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Searches for a property with creating profiles sequence to search.

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Searches where to set property value and sets it after searching by given profiles sequence. For example if given profiles sequence is zosmf -> base then it checks that zosmf profile or its parent contains property and if so, then method will set property in this profile else method will try to find property in base profile and set it there etc. If profile with corresponding property not found then nothing will happen.

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fun toJson(): String

Deserializes current ZoweConfig instance to JSON string without secure properties.

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Creates ZOSConnection based on zowe config or throws exception if data is not correct.

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fun updateProperty(propName: String, propValue: Any?, block: ZoweConfig.PropertyBuilder.() -> Unit)

Searches for a property and updates it in found profile with creating profiles sequence to search.


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var host: String?
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var port: Long?
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var user: String?
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