
interface TsoApi


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@DELETE(value = "/zosmf/tsoApp/tso/{servletKey}")
abstract fun endTso(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "Content-type") contentType: ContentType = ContentType.APP_JSON, @Path(value = "servletKey") servletKey: String, @Query(value = "tsoforcecancel") tsoForceCancel: Boolean? = null): Call<TsoResponse>

An API function to close the TSO session

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@GET(value = "/zosmf/tsoApp/tso/{servletKey}")
abstract fun receiveMessagesFromTso(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "Content-type") contentType: ContentType = ContentType.APP_JSON, @Path(value = "servletKey") servletKey: String): Call<TsoResponse>

An API function to receive messages from TSO address space

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@PUT(value = "/zosmf/tsoApp/tso/{servletKey}")
abstract fun sendMessageToTso(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "Content-type") contentType: ContentType = ContentType.APP_JSON, @Body body: TsoData, @Path(value = "servletKey") servletKey: String, @Query(value = "readReply") readReply: Boolean? = null): Call<TsoResponse>

An API function to send a message to TSO address space

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@POST(value = "/zosmf/tsoApp/tso")
abstract fun startTso(@Header(value = "Authorization") authorizationToken: String, @Header(value = "Content-type") contentType: ContentType = ContentType.APP_JSON, @Query(value = "proc") proc: String, @Query(value = "chset") chset: String, @Query(value = "cpage") cpage: String, @Query(value = "rows") rows: Int, @Query(value = "cols") cols: Int, @Query(value = "acct") acct: String? = null, @Query(value = "ugrp") ugrp: String? = null, @Query(value = "rsize") rsize: Int? = null, @Query(value = "appsessid") appsessid: String? = null, @Query(value = "system") system: String? = null): Call<TsoResponse>

An API function to start a new TSO address space (session)